Values. What are they? How are they determined? Skip to main content

Values. What are they? How are they determined?

Do you depend on what other people think to determine your values?

“Stop determining your worth and value by what other people say. Be determined by what the Word of God (scriptures) says.” ― Joyce Meyer.

She is 100% correct! What helps you to determine your values in life? Is it that you heavily depend on what other people think or what they say to determine your values and worth? There is a major problem if you do depend on what others think or say about you. In this day and age, many people are so consumed by other people's opinions about them, they become blinded and become lost, lose who they once were, and lose their values. By listening to other people's comments and what they think of you you begin to get lost in the midst of it all. For example, the world emphasises that beauty is highly significant over character, people become worried about how they look, what they wear, and  worry about if they are wearing the latest trend or the most expensive brand of shoes. These worldly values are things that do not matter at all! Other people's comments and opinions begin to take over our own when you begin listening to them. God did not bring us into this world to be consumed by its values; He did not put us on earth to look good or buy things so much so that it becomes the norm. The saying goes, water cannot sink a boat unless it gets inside. So, the same with people's opinions, it cannot put you down or get to you unless you allow it to get inside you. 

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Instead of focusing on what the world values, focus on God's word, the Bible. It is the utmost truth! Focus on how God Sees You. Focus on what God thinks of you and begin to find yourself, your values and your worth once again! God's word is bigger and what matters, as opposed to people's opinions. The Bible says, 31 Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. 32 And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8: 31) (NLT). The only way that you will know what God thinks of you is by reading the Bible. It is the Source of all things; it gives strength and stamina to live with integrity, moral uprightness. If you don't stay within God's word, you are only playing yourself and setting yourself up for failure. Without the the Word of God, the strength to live with integrity will not come so easy. 

What are your values in life? What matters most to you, in your life?Think about the choices you make in life and how these choices reflect who you are and your values. 

It is important to know your values in life. What will you choose; God's Values or the World's. When you have identified and clarified your values, write them down, and live by them! It's simply, if you do not decide what's important to you, and what's important in your life, you are allowing other people to step in and make this decision for you. Do not allow this to take place. You are allowing people to shape and mold you by listening to what they think. Is that what you want, is that how you truly want to live your life; through others and their opinions? Are you going to continue to live your life through other people's values and not your own?

It's your decision, should you decide to live through others or your own Values and what's important to you? 
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Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for your helping hand. Lord, I pray to not live by the values of this world, but of You God. Lord, I pray to focus not on how the world sees me, but how You see me. I pray to not lean on the opinions of others, but by reading Your Word Lord, that I shall begin to uncover the truth, live by the Truth, and choose to be who you want me to be. In Jesus' name. Amen!


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