How do you handle Loss?
The Bible says, 8 "O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge". (Psalm 62: 8) (NLT).
As we face inevitable losses in life, we need to remember that we have the ability to pick up and put ourselves back together, and begin to get on with our lives once again. When we experience loss we may get these feelings: fear, depression, worry, guilt and anger. If these emotions are ignored, it may take longer to recover and move on from your grief. This is why it is healthy and okay to experience all these emotions, some people experience these emotions at once, others may be staggered. Everyone goes through them, in relation to Loss, no matter what they may say. People who deal with grief and pretend that everything is okay and that life can be lived as normal, will ultimately struggle with the stress of many emotions. This struggle can last for months or years and years to come. Jesus said, 4 "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted". (Matthew 5: 4) (NIV). It is Absolutely Okay to Grieve, is it normal and it is healthy! As Christians we know and understand that when we experience Loss, that person goes to Heaven to be with God and His Angels. We grieve simply because we know in our hearts that they were dear to us, and that we will miss them dearly.
How do you deal with Loss? Do you deal with your feelings and emotions head on or do you deal with them in a completely different way and do not face them?
No matter what you think, or what you may have been told, everyone needs to release their grieve. Let God help you. Ask Him for comfort and reassurance. Pray! Release your grief into your prayer! Ask God, you know what he can do, HE WILL NOT NOR WILL HE EVER LEAVE YOU, especially in your time of need!! Cry out to God, He will Not turn away from you! The book of Psalms is the perfect example of what to do with your feelings. In the book of Psalm David discussed, 3 "When I kept things to myself, I felt weak deep inside me. I moaned all day long". (Psalm 32: 3) (NCV). So, pour your heart out to God, let him hear you, don't hide your grief. You can be healed from brokenness if you let God help you! THERE IS HEALING IN GOD!
Dear Lord, help us to remember that it is okay to grieve, to remain hopeful and encouraged that you, Heavenly Father, are the only one who can bring us through losses in life. God, only you can sustain us and heal us from being brokenhearted. Thank you Father for understanding us when no one else does. Help us Lord to release our grief, so that You can begin to heal our broken hearts. Thank you God. In Jesus' name. Amen!
The Bible says, 8 "O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge". (Psalm 62: 8) (NLT).

How do you deal with Loss? Do you deal with your feelings and emotions head on or do you deal with them in a completely different way and do not face them?

The Bible says, 8 "O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge". (Psalm 62: 8) (NLT). Present your heart to God. Present your life to God. Present all that you have to Him! He listens, He understands! If you are going through Loss at this point in your life, it is okay to grieve, if you don't release it now, it will eventually come out, don't ignore your feelings. Everything will eventually be okay! If you do ignore your feelings and emotions, they may develop into an explosive situation later down the line.
Earlier I mentioned that it is healthy to grieve. Within this, I am implying that grieve is painful, but it is a healthy emotion, and God gave us grieve to face and get through life transitions. If we do not go through this transition we get stuck emotionally and may spend the rest of our lives going over what happened all those years ago. This is very unhealthy! Free yourself from those emotions you felt or may still be feeling because you didn't allow yourself to transition. These things can hold you down, hold you back mentally; this is unhealthy! Let yourself mourn losses so that you can move on and receive God's blessing!
Dear Lord, help us to remember that it is okay to grieve, to remain hopeful and encouraged that you, Heavenly Father, are the only one who can bring us through losses in life. God, only you can sustain us and heal us from being brokenhearted. Thank you Father for understanding us when no one else does. Help us Lord to release our grief, so that You can begin to heal our broken hearts. Thank you God. In Jesus' name. Amen!
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