The Impact of Prayer... Why is it Important? Skip to main content

The Impact of Prayer... Why is it Important?

Philippians 4: 6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus". (NIV)

Image result for Philippians 4 6 7At certain points in life, we ask ourselves, 'Why am I going through what I'm going through?' 'Why is it that I always find myself in this situation?' 'Why does every Bad thing happen to me?'.

Many people have asked one of these questions at a certain point in their life. A lot of the time the one thing that they should have done in the beginning is their last resort. That is to Pray.


Prayer should never be the last resort to any situation. In fact, it should be your First go to, in any situation! Your first source of help is Prayer regardless of what you are going through: mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When you don't resort to Prayer as your first source of help, in time of need, you are in a way saying that your problems, your itty bitty little problems, are somehow too much and too big for GOD; that He cannot handle your problems, situations, circumstances, and bad experiences, or help you in time of need. In a way, you are saying that what you request or speak in prayer He won't listen to or care for. This should never be your view of Prayer.

It's so common and so ironic when we try to take things into our control when we obviously and unquestionably know that trying to take matters into our own hands is no good and results in a dead end. Things that are out of your control are most certainly not out of God's control!! God is always and Forever will be in Control of your hurts and bad situations and circumstances. So Trust Him. Never stop believing in that! Trust that his Goodness, Wisdom, and Power will bring you through whatever it is you are going through! Ephesian 3: 20 confirms that "God is able to do much more than we ask or think through His power working in us". (NLV)

When you are in a situation that you know you simply cannot control, why do you still try to be in control?

Prayer can do the unimaginable and unthinkable. God knows how He will answer our prayers before we bring them forth to Him. This doesn't mean that you should not come before Him offering your troubles and problems. Also, just as significant is giving thanks to the Lord for his goodness and all He has and is yet to reveal to you in your life; all that you have already received and have been blessed with! When you thank God, be specific. So rather than simply saying 'Lord thank you for everything in my life'. Try, Lord I am grateful for my ... I am thankful for my... I appreciate the way...' Voice within your prayer what you are particularly thankful for!! Thank God through your Prayers!

So, what are you thankful for today?

🌟When you Pray God brings you peace!

My personal insight of Prayer and how Powerful it is

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In my view, when we present our troubles and burdens to the Lord, through prayer, we are accepting His promise in Philippians 4: 6-7, Matthew 11:28, and 1 Peter 5:7. These reveal to us just how love filled and Great God's Heart is. He loves us and has made a way through the power of Prayer for us to come to him! If that doesn't sound inviting enough then I don't know what else does. Prayer is a way that we can conversate with the Lord, give him our heavy burdens and worries, and strengthen our Faith. When our Prayers seem unanswered straight away, don't lose hope, God is simply saying that you are not yet ready for what He is yet to reveal to you; that in your waiting something Great will be revealed to you, all in God's perfect timing! When this happens, don't lose sight of your Faith. Keep waiting. Persevere. Continue to trust in the Lord. 

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the means of prayer. Lord, help us to remember the impact that prayer has on our lives and also the lives of others. We pray for wisdom, wisdom to make godly decisions instead of worldly decisions when deciding who to turn to in our time of need. Help us, Lord, to develop a strong prayer life. Help us to come to you freely in our prayers, knowing that you will answer them with great intentions and revelations. In Jesus Name. Amen!


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