The Bible clearly states...
"...For the love of money is the first step toward all kinds of sin. Some people have even turned away from God because of their love for it, and as a result, have pierced themselves with many sorrows".1 Timothy 6:10 (Living Bible).
Your life doesn't revolve around how much you make or earn. So many people in this world lean on money to make them happy and meet their needs daily, it leads to unhappiness and destruction. Instead, we should use the resources God has blessed us with to generously advance the Kingdom of God and the welfare of others.
It's not that money needs to be alway on your mind when sin happens. Paul meant in 1 Timothy 6 that if your heart loves money and what it can buy you and where it can take you; you are simply placing Money where God should be. God can take you to places beyond your imagination that money can't. God should not be second in any area of your life. He needs to be and always should be first; in your family, finances, relationships, all aspects of your life. God is your SOURCE. Money is the resource. <---------- Always remember that!
The love and trust you have in money is the alternative to the Faith you have in God and His Amazing Grace! Money can't meet your hopes and dreams, it cannot give you the deep desires of your heart and it most definitely cannot make you happy. Some of you may argue and say money can make you 100% happy. That's where you deceive yourself because not all the money in the world can come close to making you feel whole, have a purpose in life, and 100% happy, like GOD truly can!! When you begin to put your trust and faith in money, instead of God you're saying that you don't trust God, you don't trust that He will Bless you rightly, that He won't get you out of whatever situation you're in, that, He cannot meet your needs, that He cannot make you 100% happy, that He is not worthy enough, because you don't Trust him.
So, don't trade your trust in God (the only one who can Provide for ALL of your Needs) for the love of money. Remain confident and be rest assured that God sees all your needs, desires, wants and feelings and He already has plans in place to meet these, according to His Will for you and your life. Jesus said it so plain and so simple...
"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money". Matthew 6:24 (NIV).
If your heart loves money you count on money. If you love God wholeheartedly, you count on Him and Trust Him with your life. You simply cannot trust in God and money at the same time! God is enough for us to Worship, Trust, and Love. He is for us in Christ and He alone is satisfaction for our souls!
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you that you are a way maker, You are the light in the darkness, You are our source, You are provider and You meet our needs according to your will for us, You alone are satisfaction for our souls. Let us not rely on things that lead us away from you, take such things away, such as the love of money. Keep us fixed and focused on You and Your word for us. You love us beyond comparison and we thank you for the cross God. You are ENOUGH! In Jesus Name. Amen!
"...For the love of money is the first step toward all kinds of sin. Some people have even turned away from God because of their love for it, and as a result, have pierced themselves with many sorrows".1 Timothy 6:10 (Living Bible).

It's not that money needs to be alway on your mind when sin happens. Paul meant in 1 Timothy 6 that if your heart loves money and what it can buy you and where it can take you; you are simply placing Money where God should be. God can take you to places beyond your imagination that money can't. God should not be second in any area of your life. He needs to be and always should be first; in your family, finances, relationships, all aspects of your life. God is your SOURCE. Money is the resource. <---------- Always remember that!
The love and trust you have in money is the alternative to the Faith you have in God and His Amazing Grace! Money can't meet your hopes and dreams, it cannot give you the deep desires of your heart and it most definitely cannot make you happy. Some of you may argue and say money can make you 100% happy. That's where you deceive yourself because not all the money in the world can come close to making you feel whole, have a purpose in life, and 100% happy, like GOD truly can!! When you begin to put your trust and faith in money, instead of God you're saying that you don't trust God, you don't trust that He will Bless you rightly, that He won't get you out of whatever situation you're in, that, He cannot meet your needs, that He cannot make you 100% happy, that He is not worthy enough, because you don't Trust him.

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money". Matthew 6:24 (NIV).
If your heart loves money you count on money. If you love God wholeheartedly, you count on Him and Trust Him with your life. You simply cannot trust in God and money at the same time! God is enough for us to Worship, Trust, and Love. He is for us in Christ and He alone is satisfaction for our souls!
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you that you are a way maker, You are the light in the darkness, You are our source, You are provider and You meet our needs according to your will for us, You alone are satisfaction for our souls. Let us not rely on things that lead us away from you, take such things away, such as the love of money. Keep us fixed and focused on You and Your word for us. You love us beyond comparison and we thank you for the cross God. You are ENOUGH! In Jesus Name. Amen!
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