God is in Control!
Sometimes we think we are in control of our life, then things don't go to plan, one thing or the other happens and we can no longer handle the situation. Why do we let ourselves forget who is Truly in control?
God knows this, he knows that we try to take on everything and control everything that comes from life but he knows that we are incapable and cannot do this. We cannot control every single aspect of our life without feeling overwhelmed and defeated.
This is where choice comes in. We may tell ourselves that 'yes I am strong, I can do this, I will not let this take control', but relief from the feeling of the world on our shoulders begins with letting go and letting God! Let go, and know! This is the first step to serenity in your life (Pastor Rick Warren).
The reason why we become stressed in this is because we become to be in conflict with God. We try to take control of things that only God himself can control. No one can control their past, their future, kids, family, school or their job. The more we try to tell ourselves that we can control these things, the more we are in opposition to God, because at the end of the day we are the ones who will be defeated and tired.
So, let go and let God because he rules over everything, he is an all-knowing God!
Hold me close Lord, wrap me in your arms closer than before Lord, let me not forget that you are there for me, thank you, Lord, for reminding me whose in control. Though we may feel as though the world is on our shoulders Lord, we give our troubles to you Lord. Let your words perform in me, heal me from pain. Take me to that place where I can be with you, Lord. Wrap me in your arms Lord. Amen!
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