“But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit".
Jeremiah 17: 7-8 (NLT)
Your Journey is your Journey. You may not be where you want to be, but you are 100% where God wants you to be. Where He has you is not punishment, it's not a delay, it's not because He doesn't love you. Actually, its because HE LOVES YOU!
Your journey is not the same as your mum's, dad's, friend's, aunt's, uncle's, grandma or grandad. It is not what they want for you, it's not what they want you to do, it's not what they think is best for you.
Finishing University was such an accomplishment. By the time it came to an end, I was so glad and ready to be done with it. I was ready to put all the assignments and coursework and exams behind me. When the time came I graduated with a great Upper-Class Division Grade, all Glory, and Praise to God, because without the strength He gave me and support and love He showed me, through friends and family I wouldn't have made it to the other side, I wouldn't have seen the other end of the tunnel and I probably would've given up.
Now 3 months post graduating, a lot of questions are being thrown my way and it can be overwhelming. 'What're you doing now? What're you gonna do with your degree? Are you gonna do a masters with your degree, if not what will you do a masters in? Are you going to work full time now, doing what?' All these questions and I only have one answer, "Where God leads me, directs me, takes me, is where I will go." "Whatever God's plan for me is I will follow". Whatever I end up doing I will Trust in God and His plan, I will trust the road He has me on, and the path He has me walking (striding). I don't understand or know what will happen in the next 6 months, 3 - 4 years, or where I will be but I completely Trust God's plan and Trust the Process and the Path He has me.
Be still and learn to trust God. Trust God in every aspect of your life. His plan for your life is one that is unexplainable and unforeseen. As we declare promises like this, we need to continually remind ourselves that in the unknown and unforeseen God has a plan for us. He alone is in control and He alone has our best interest at heart.
We simply need to say, "God I trust in your Process".
God's journey, plan, and process for us is one that you need to embrace and humbly accept. When you do this something in the atmosphere shifts, you begin to feel God working in your life. You begin to feel His Grace and Power. You need to extend your trust to God when you don't you put your trust into the hands of others; where it can be manipulated destroyed, taken advantage of and wrecked. Always remember that trust is an indicator of where our heart is, take time to reflect on where your loyalty lies. In midst of adversity, sorrow, problems, issues, when you're are at an all-time low do you rely on others and put your absolute 100% trust in people? Or Do you count on and Trust God.
Life in itself is not easy and trusting God is not a guarantee that life will become easier all of a sudden and everything will be like a sunflower field; peaceful and undisturbed. Trusting in God is an assurance and guarantee that you are not alone, you won't have to face your issues, circumstances, problems, and situations alone. God will always be there. He will always be there to give you strength and comfort each and every waking day.
Dear heavenly Father, we thank you for the path that you have each and every single one of us on. Lord, helps us to remember to always trust You first instead of putting other people and other things before You. Lord, take away all the distractions and voices that may be trying to take us off the path that you have us on, that may be trying to hinder our process and journey. We only want to hear Your voice and listen to only You. Your will for us is perfect, thank you for Your goodness, mercy, and love. In Jesus Name. Amen!

Your journey is not the same as your mum's, dad's, friend's, aunt's, uncle's, grandma or grandad. It is not what they want for you, it's not what they want you to do, it's not what they think is best for you.
Finishing University was such an accomplishment. By the time it came to an end, I was so glad and ready to be done with it. I was ready to put all the assignments and coursework and exams behind me. When the time came I graduated with a great Upper-Class Division Grade, all Glory, and Praise to God, because without the strength He gave me and support and love He showed me, through friends and family I wouldn't have made it to the other side, I wouldn't have seen the other end of the tunnel and I probably would've given up.
Now 3 months post graduating, a lot of questions are being thrown my way and it can be overwhelming. 'What're you doing now? What're you gonna do with your degree? Are you gonna do a masters with your degree, if not what will you do a masters in? Are you going to work full time now, doing what?' All these questions and I only have one answer, "Where God leads me, directs me, takes me, is where I will go." "Whatever God's plan for me is I will follow". Whatever I end up doing I will Trust in God and His plan, I will trust the road He has me on, and the path He has me walking (striding). I don't understand or know what will happen in the next 6 months, 3 - 4 years, or where I will be but I completely Trust God's plan and Trust the Process and the Path He has me.
Be still and learn to trust God. Trust God in every aspect of your life. His plan for your life is one that is unexplainable and unforeseen. As we declare promises like this, we need to continually remind ourselves that in the unknown and unforeseen God has a plan for us. He alone is in control and He alone has our best interest at heart.
We simply need to say, "God I trust in your Process".
God's journey, plan, and process for us is one that you need to embrace and humbly accept. When you do this something in the atmosphere shifts, you begin to feel God working in your life. You begin to feel His Grace and Power. You need to extend your trust to God when you don't you put your trust into the hands of others; where it can be manipulated destroyed, taken advantage of and wrecked. Always remember that trust is an indicator of where our heart is, take time to reflect on where your loyalty lies. In midst of adversity, sorrow, problems, issues, when you're are at an all-time low do you rely on others and put your absolute 100% trust in people? Or Do you count on and Trust God.
Life in itself is not easy and trusting God is not a guarantee that life will become easier all of a sudden and everything will be like a sunflower field; peaceful and undisturbed. Trusting in God is an assurance and guarantee that you are not alone, you won't have to face your issues, circumstances, problems, and situations alone. God will always be there. He will always be there to give you strength and comfort each and every waking day.
Dear heavenly Father, we thank you for the path that you have each and every single one of us on. Lord, helps us to remember to always trust You first instead of putting other people and other things before You. Lord, take away all the distractions and voices that may be trying to take us off the path that you have us on, that may be trying to hinder our process and journey. We only want to hear Your voice and listen to only You. Your will for us is perfect, thank you for Your goodness, mercy, and love. In Jesus Name. Amen!
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