Maintaining Balance in Our Lives! Managing Your Time! Skip to main content

Maintaining Balance in Our Lives! Managing Your Time!

Do you experience pressure from friends, from family, or work which disturbs your peace of mind?

Have you felt that there simply isn't enough time in the day to do all that you would like to do? Do you feel like you simply can't manage/balance your time because of so and so? Many people do find it difficult to do this. This is completely normal because we do live in a hectic world. Countless people seek complete serenity and balance in their lives. Some struggle because they are trying to find the balance, peace of mind, on their own, but it is merely impossible to go through life trying to solve your own issues and situations. It is accepting to seek help. Help from God!

Image result for scripture on peace of mind
With God The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit you are never alone. When the feeling of overwhelmedness exhausts you, you need to begin looking at your relationship with God and also your faith. Do Not allow your Faith to become less because of your temporary feeling or situation! Instead, let your Faith Grow more and more in the Word of God, the Bible, by reading and meditating on God's Perfect wisdom every waking day of your life!!

He is the reason you are Alive, the reason you are Well, and the reason you are Breathing! As you continue to indulge in the Word, so your relationship with God will grow, hence you will begin to experience a change, a positive change. Thus, your Balance will be restored. So, never allow your FAITH in the Lord to ever grow weary, because without Him where will you be! Without Jesus in your life, life can become highly disoriented and unbalanced, so why choose to live your life without Him. PUT JESUS in the centre of your life, because the centre of your life is what drives you. Put Jesus in the centre of your life, and let him direct, lead, influence, and give you stability. When you do this, aspects of your life will begin to fall into place. The Bible says,  "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need". (Matthew 6,: 33) (NLT).

Managing your time justly can be exhausting. This is because there are only 24hrs in one day and to some, this is not enough time to spend time with whom they would like or carry out things they would like. Your peace of mind becomes disturbed because of the exhaustive feeling of never having enough time. Whilst Jesus was on Earth he did receive stress and pressure but He did not let his peace of mind become disturbed. To have a sense of balance in your life you need to:

1. Identify Who You Are, because if you do not have a clue about who you are personally, then how can you possibly avoid allowing others to mould you into becoming what they want you to be, instead of being who YOU want to be! So, because you have not yet confirmed who you are to yourself, you are contributing to an unbalanced life.

2. Know Who You Want To Impress because you simply cannot please everyone. What you do to please one person, might be frowned on by another. So, do not let that pressure dictate how you should live your life because the only person who you should DESIRE and WANT to please is JESUS. Romans 12: 2 says this "Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect". (NLT)

3.  Set Yourself Goals. What personal goals, both short and long-term do you want to achieve? When you have set your goals, formulate ways in which you would like to achieve these!

4. Be Open to Help From Others. Do not allow the fear of what others may think or their views on what you have already done, to prevent you asking for help. Jesus appointed 12 disciples. Jesus shared the responsibilities that God entrusted Him with His 12 disciples. Jesus didn't do it alone!

5. Enjoy Life! The key to a successful and balanced life is the time you take to relax and simply enjoy your life. Nobody else can enjoy your life but YOU! 

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Most significantly, the Key to maintaining balance in your life is Jesus. Yes, Jesus is the Key to a balanced and stable life!

Dear Lord, help us to put you at the centre of our lives, every waking day. Heavenly Father help us to remember that without making you priority in our lives, we will begin to fall apart. God, there is no living without you. Although we are not yet close to being the race you want us to be; we pray that you continue to lead us, direct us, influence and empower us, and give us stability within our lives. In Jesus' name. Amen!


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